• Central Office: The Vice- Principal and Administrative Bursars will supervise and maintain general administration and work of the Central office daily and report to the Principal.
  • Accounts section: Accounts Bursars will look after work efficiencies of the accounts section, check the daily collection, prepare the budget and regulates expenditure and helps in audit compliance.
  • Vice-Principal- In absence of the Principal, the Vice- Principal will remain in charge of the Principal’s Office. He/She will deal with all files except financial matter and legal matter.
  • Administrative Bursar- Administrative Bursars will look after all the works related to smooth running of administration. He/she is the co-opted member of all committees functioning in the college. He/she will distribute the works among the clerks of central office in consultation with the Principal & Vice-Principal. In the absence of the Principal and Vice-Principal he/she will remain in charge of the Principal's Office.
  • Academic Bursars: Academic Bursars are required to look after the engagement of classes, supervise preparation of lesson plans and progress registers, notify short fall of attendance of students and 'redress the grievances of students and put their signature on C.L.C & conduct certificate.
  • Construction Committee: Takes of the construction and repair of different projects as proposed by Planning Board and approved by the G.B. with the technical assistance of an Engineer appointed for the purpose.
  • Purchase Committee: Follows the Treasury Code for purchase of items necessary for different purposed after approval) the items by the Principal. The Committee call for the quotations, prepare the comparative statement, place before the Principal for approval and issue order to the publication of results of HSC and CHSE prepare the merit list of the applicants applied in due time for admission as per Govt. Rules and issues intimation Letter for admission.
  • Research Committee: Research committee constituted with the Vice- Principal, nodal officer of UGC and Academic Bursars scrutinize the proposals submitted by individual teachers and recommend to the Principal for onward transmission to U.G.C. and other agencies. The Committee also monitors progress of projects.
  • Publication Unit: Publication unit publish, Regulation, Syllabus, prospectus, College calendar and Current Concern, a journal with Editors nominated for the purpose.

Faculty development Programme: Teachers are to undergo Refresher Course, Orientation Courses, M.Phil. and to register for Ph.D. Programme to up-date their knowledge. As per UGC Norms, Permanent teachers below age of 45 years eligible to apply, such applicants are scrutinised and selection is made through a commit consisting the experts, Director CDC   and Principal as per UGC guideline. Teachers under management are encouraged to register for Ph. D. as per the recommendation of the Research Committee.

  • Student’s feedback: Assessment of teachers is done by the students in a specific format of U.G.C. If the Principal found anything to be communicate, he calls for the concerned teacher and communicate.